Naranja (orange)
Manzana (apple)
Piña (pineapple)
Sandia (watermelon)
Pomelo (grapefruit)
Frutilla (strawberry)
Uvas (grapes)
Melón (melon)
- Melón tuna (honeydew)
- melón calameño (canteloupe/muskmelon)
- melón platano
Platano [occasionally banano] (banana)
Platano verde (plantain)
Durazno [occasionally durazno peludo to differentiate from nectarines] (Peach)
Nectarin [or durazno pelado] (nectarine)
Guinda or cereza (cherry)
Pera (pear)
Palta (avocado)
Coco (coconut)
Ciruela (plum)
Damasco (apricot)
Papaya (papaya)
Granada (pomegranate),
Kiwi (kiwi),
Chirimoya ("custard apple")
Tuna (prickly pear) [not to be confused with atún which is tuna fish]
Frambuesa (raspberry)
Arándano (blueberry, sometimes called arandano morado)
Arándano rojo (cranberry)
Mora (blackberry)
Clementinas (clementines)
Mango (mango)
Guayaba (guava)
Copao: I don't think this has a name in English, but they are popular in the IV region, around Coquimbo/La Serena and Valle Elqui. They don't really export it even to other parts of Chile because it's so difficult to transport!
Maracuya (passion fruit)
Higo/breva (these are... figs? But they are 2 different types from the same tree)
Limón (lemon AND lime)
Limón de pica (key lime)
Pepino (besides being a cucumber [pepino de ensalada], pepino the fruit)
Frutos secos = nuts! not dried fruit..... except... yes, lol. When people say frutos secos they're usually talking about nuts, but it can also include dried fruit.
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